Online Retail. The Game Has Changed.
Gone are the days where consumers would spend countless hours considering their purchases. Today, we have the retail world at our fingertips, and we want it faster, better and more tailored to our needs.
Online retail has changed dramatically over the past few years, and so have the tastes and demands of its customers.
Wandering into The Unknown.
Customers strolled into their local store with not much of a clue about what they were after, seeking out the nearest salesperson for a little guidance on what they should buy.
Customers Research.
They know exactly what it should cost, what it should do and where they might get it for less. This power shift brings a great opportunity for those that can use intelligent insights to close the gap between the online consumer and the offline retailer.
A winning digital marketing professional is already two steps ahead, the moment a consumer starts to drool over those products online.
Marketeers Wait.
Store owners would get to know their customers over time, learning their loves loathes and shopping preferences.
Marketeers Anticipate.
We use technology to discover what matters to a consumer in a particular location and at a particular time. We know where they shop, what they love and anticipate what we think they'll love before they realise it themselves.
Shoppers in their millions are searching for information, goods, services and great deals to be had. A savvy marketeer is already waiting in the wings to provide them.
The Online / Offline Divide.
Consumers trekked down to their local store to grab their desired commodity or made purchases as they came across items online.
They didn't take the time to look online or make comparisons between the high street and online products. They simply bought from a store or bought online.
Online & Offline Combine.
As the lines blur between online and offline, innovative retailers are integrating mobile into their store experience.
Innovations will continue to grow as marketing professionals come up with slicker ways to nail that shopping experience.
Keep It in The Family.
To buy or not to buy was often the decision based on what our nearest and dearest thought.
We'd ask our family and closest friends their opinion on our potential purchases.
If they liked it, we might get one too.
Opinions are global.
Thanks to social media, it's easier than ever to get an honest opinion from millions of others that have been there... and bought the T-shirt.
Marketing executives need to work harder to seize opportunities around online comments and reviews and increase brand loyalty when the opinions aren't so hot.
We're Just Browsing.
The internet was fine for researching what we're after, though as your Nan might say, there really is nothing like holding and inspecting it for quality before you stump up the cash. (Probably why they always insist on prodding the end of a shoe they're trying on).
We Want to Really Feel It.
Interactive video, 360 views and gestural controls bring products to life, from the comfort of our mobile devices. Some innovative retailers are even offering shoppers virtual try-ons.
Showcasing products online in a unique way, allows customers to interact with products on an emotional level.
When those emotions are activated, their desire to buy is sparked. Can you spark it?
Speak to the team about our digital marketing roles and join the retail revolution...